Vijay K. Bansal


Version française (doc format)


Your Guide to : Good Health Without Medicines

A Commitment

"It is a mission to me. In my own humble way, I have dedicated the rest of my life in the service of humanity. I do not want any human being to suffer, the way I did. If I can help, alleviate or reduce the suffering of my fellow beings, I would consider my life worthwhile."


Version française (doc format)

"Give the body a chance to heal itself without giving it crutches for the smallest and most trivial reasons"

...V.K Bansal

According to Vijay, when all the above are combined to provide a regimen, it forms a very potent combination to help the body fight the intruders--the diseases--effectively and without any detrimental effects.

"Good Health Without Medicines" (As published in the Malibu Rotary Club Surfwriter, California, USA Jan 8, 2003)....

Vijay K. Bansal is an eminent practitioner and a strong proponent of healthy practices for the maintenance of good health, without the use of medicines, as far as possible. He is an honorary Rotarian from India--he believes in the Rotarian motto of "Service above Self." Just as Rotary has four avenues of service for humanity, Vijay practices and teaches four avenues or specializations for individual health:

    1. Mudra Vigyan (The science of finger postures)
    2. Chinese Massage
    3. Natural Foods and Plants for Health and
    4. Routine Habits or Practices

Vijay has been practicing these ancient scientific methods for the last 20 years without seeking any monetary returns. He became interested in these ancient healing arts when several things happened in his life:

While dining at a restaurant in India he was being served by a waiter with a severe back problem which caused him to walk with a marked hunched back--the yoga teacher he was with went to the garden, picked a weed, and brought it back, squeezed the juice from the root of the weed onto the bent back of the waiter and massaged it well.The waiter's back straightened.

Another time he witnessed his Uncle's asthma cured in 3 days, by a plant and finally there was Vijay himself, sickly in childhood and young adulthood, bothered by severe migraines, spondylitis and other maladies which required him to take 26 medicines a day to alleviate pain and suffering.

In 1984 he stopped all the medications in favor the application of the ancient healing arts which he had started to research and recovered fully.