K. Bansal
With changing times
our routines have changed, our habits have changed. For the sake of
indulgence of the body and our senses, we have fallen prey to a lot
of undesirable habits.
Our body is
a machine.
Proper routine habits
can make a world of a difference to one's life.
For example:
- Keeping teeth
closed while passing excreta will prevent gum decay. ¨
- Washing eyes
in a specific manner can prevent myopia and sometimes even help reverse
- Proper breathing
can increase longevity and so on.
Plants for cures
- Asthma is curable
taking the one leaf of a plant for three days and repeating the course
after 3 months. When used with other systems described below, the
results achieved so far indicate 100% recovery in about 40% of the
cases and 50-80% recovery in about 30% of the cases.
- Even the worst
migraine headache, at any stage of attack, can be removed in minutes
by inhaling through the nose just once, the smoke of a root. When
used with other systems described below, the results achieved so far,
indicate almost a complete success in the cases dealt with.
- The leaves of
a variety of Croton, when crushed and the juice applied to insect
bites, works miracles in soothing the pain, itching and burning in
minutes. It has been tried successfully on stings from ants, wasps,
honey bees and scorpions.
- The leaves of
yet another plant, when boiled in water and the brew taken once a
day, first thing in the morning for 10 to 15 days give miraculous
relief in Rheumatic Arthritis pains.